Dream of You
I had a dream my hand was on your shoulder
You were crying, I cried
With our cry, all the birds cried
I told the story of our distance to the mountain, covered in snow,
Took a deep breath,
Snow was melting, the mountain cried, and I cried
Suddenly the wind started, it felt like autumn
Trees cried, leaves poured, I cried
I sang my story in the night
Sky got cloudy and cried, I cried
I stood before the judge
I said,
My name is Micco, Iranian fear,
Full of the pain in my chest
Because I'm very far from my love
Judge cried, I cried
But, Judge found me guilty
He ordered to hang me by the rope
In public, where everyone cries
When the rope was squeezing my neck
Rope cried, judge cried, people cried, I cried
Somehow the rope tore, and I fell down
I saw my love crying
But not from fear
And I knew, I am not my FEAR
In fact, I’m nothing
And yet everything
In this love
For you